Friday, September 17, 2010

EVOO from Mediterranean

Olive Oil
a fruit oil from olives, extracted by pressing or crushing the olives.
the varieties of olive oil are the result of different amount of processing done.

Extra virgin olive oil
Most outstanding among the other, more processed olive oils like virgin, pure and extra light olive oil.
Because EVOO is considered non-filtered or cold pressed oil.
the word 'extra' is derived from the first pressing of the olives.
the term 'virgin' means it is not subjected to filtration, modification or alteration in any way.
it is the most robust, flavourful and wholesome of edible oils.
and the most antioxidant.

Virgin olive
it is obtained through second pressing of the olives.

Pure olive oil
it undergoes some processing like filtering, refining and adding a little evoo to the refined oil.

Extra light olive oil
it goes through a considerable processing and only retains a very mild olive flavour

Therefore anything other than evoo and virgin oil would require specific processing treatment.

Olive oil has exceptionally myriad health benefits and wonderful flavour. it works wonder on the food.