Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Goodness Of Aloe Vera Juice

Symtoms range from bloating, indigestion, lower back pain, exhaustion and constipation to extreme abdominal pain, diarrhea and excessive wind. While prescription drug is available, more and more people nowadays, prefer to use the natural health food to prevent and cure indigestion and Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS). Help has come from an unexpected place - inside the Aloe Vera plant, the Inner Gel!

Lifestream Aloe Vera Inner Gel Juice (a product) enjoys a reputation that goes back centuries, as a remedy for many digestion and gastrointestinal disorders. Through the years many people have reported that taking Aloe Vera Inner Gel Juice have provided relief from IBS leaky guts, gastritis, acid reflux, ulcers, gas, heartburn, belching, flatulence, stomach over-acidity, constipation, and other disorders related to the gastroinintestinal system.

It helps restore balance in the digestive system in several ways

- Reduces bloating after meals and reduces flatulence

- Its alkalizing effect appears to reduce stomach acidity thus reversing the effects of indigestion and heartburn. AVIG is an "amphoteric" as it can treat opposite conditions by either raising or lowering levels of stomach acid required

- AVIG coats the lining of the gastro-intestinal track and bowel, very effective for people suffering from stomach ulcers.

- Its soothing properties bring great relief for those suffering from IBS

- AVIG improves bowel regularity and decreases the unfriendly bacteria and yeast in our gut

Free and suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Lifestream is the no. 1 selling aloe in NZ and Australia

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