1. Balanced potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C
--aka beauty food cause strengthen hair, nail and skin quality
-- a threat to acne or skin disorders
2. low in calories
--great substitute for potato and other starchy dishes
3. Chlorine and Phosphorus
--improve lung, diuretic, anti athritic and detox
Avocado aka nature's butter
1. More protein than other fruit
2. More monounsaturated fat, vit E, folate, potassium adn fiber
3. More antioxidant lutein(carotenoid)
--protect arteries hardening, eyes cataract and macular degeneration
1. Green unripe
--its fibre reduces bad cholesterol
--increases good one by 30%
2. Ripe
--best to soothe upset stomach
3. Relieve heartburn and reduces stroke risk
1. Packed with disease fighting antioxidant
2. Reduce plague build-up in arteries by 44%
1. Highest nutrition by eating the skin
2. Reduce cholesterol, heart attack and lung cancer
--eat everyday
1. Powerhouse of nutrients
--rejuvenate and detox
2. Breath sweetener
--consume raw
3. Stressbuster
--effective in reducing depression, lower cholesterol and strengthen kidney
4. Relieve rheumatism and PMS
Coriander leaves / Chinese parsley / cilantro
1. Relief of anxiety and insomnia
2. Coriander juice mix with turmeric power or mint juice
--acne fight
3. Aids in digestion and helps settle the stomach and prevent flatulence
4. Prevents nausea
1. Ancient spice
--relieve bloating and stabilize blood sugar
--contains methylhydroxy chalone polymer(MHCP) which cranks up sugar breakdown
2. Assist insulin release effieciently
--slow ageing and ward off diabetes and obesity
--soak cinnamon stick in tea or sprinkle its powder over food
1. Complex carbohydrates
--maintains energy level through the day
2. Boost stress resistance
3. Soothe nervousness and digestive systems
4. Diminish fag cravings
5. Stabilize blood sugar level
1. Low calorie fruit
2. Abundant phytochemicals
--boost immune defences
3. Rich in Vit C and B
4. Lyconpene
--protect against cancer
--cooked tomatoes have more than raw
5. Most nutrition
--in the skin
6. Cherry tomatoes
--More nutritious than its larger brother
1. Reduce cholesterol and heart diseases risks
2. 2 ounces give more than 50% daily magnesium requirement
1. Rich source of sulphur
--keep body chemistry in balance
--fight infections, decelerate cholesterol production and lower blood cholesterol
2. Fight cancer
3. Improve liver and gall bladder actions
1. Twice protein as much as steak
--11.2g per 100g
2. One of most nature potent superfoods
--effective against cancer heart diseases or serious ones
--sulforaphane eliminate carcinogens
4. Helps metabolize oestrogen to stave off breast cancer
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